The fields targeted for the Takeda Award are defined below. Selections for the Takeda Research Incentive Award and the Takeda Scholarship will be based on these standards as well.
It should be noted that for each of the targeted fields, "well-being" in this context refers to "prosperity, happiness, and richness of life."

1) Techno-Entrepreneurial Achievement for Social/Economic Well-Being

As we come to the end of the 20th century, information processing and communications have become inexorably linked, and telecommunication networks like the Internet have begun to fulfill the role of a new social infrastructure. In the future, industrial activities, family life, and personal activities will all be carried out through digital technologies on a foundation of telecommunication networks. Even existing industries are about to be reconstructed on this new industrial foundation. Digital technologies have brought about an increase in intellectual productivity, and as a result knowledge has begun to fulfill a central role in the formation of prosperity, happiness, and richness of life. This new infrastructure, comprised of digital technologies and telecommunication networks, is supported by information processing and semiconductor technologies, both of which first appeared at around the same time in the middle of the 20th century - and which supported each other's progress over the course of fifty years. Developments in measurement technology, meanwhile, have always been at the core of this progress. The three-part chain formed by measurement, semiconductors, and information technology is the highlight of engineering intellect/knowledge in the last half of the 20th century, and is the model underlying the philosophy of the Takeda Foundation.
As telecommunication networks become more firmly established as a new social infrastructure, there is no doubt that we will see increased expectations with regard to applications of superconductor technologies and nano-technologies, in addition to the engineering intellect/knowledge that will be fostered through the three-part chain mentioned above.

2) Techno-Entrepreneurial Achievement Individual/Humanity Well-being

In the first half of the 20th century, physics and chemistry fulfilled roles as leading fields in the accumulation of advanced knowledge. In the world of science and engineering, research was conducted in the area of elementary particles as the ultimate components of matter, and the manufacture of semiconductors evolved amid developments in solid-state theory. The 21st century, in contrast, has been referred to as the "era of life sciences." The foundations of life sciences can be traced back to the middle of the 20th century, when Francis Crick and James Watson uncovered the structure of DNA, and to the latter half of the century when research into genetics and other biological phenomena reached the molecular level. Today, we have begun to approach a true understanding of elements referred to as "bio-molecular substances." This research is being applied using an engineering approach, as researchers attempt to alter the very nature of life through biotechnology. It is also clear that the technologies of the life sciences are closely related to digital technologies, and that "discovery-style research" is progressing simultaneously and in parallel with engineering applications designed to meet the needs of people to find greater prosperity and happiness, and to be released from pain and suffering.In the context of the life sciences, knowledge is entering into a new phase of growth in terms of making a substantial contribution to prosperity, happiness, and richness of life. There are high expectations in this field - notably for tangible results from the creation and application of engineering intellect/knowledge in the area of life sciences - for applications of information processing, semiconductors, nano-technology, measurement, and other embodiments of engineering intellect/knowledge.

3) Techno-Entrepreneurial Achievement for World Environmental Well-being

As long as people are alive, some environmental " load" will necessarily be generated. It is said that the Mesopotamian civilization, the first race to have developed organized agriculture, was destroyed as a result of the changes it brought to the environment. As a result of scientific and technological advances, the present-day environmental load per person has grown considerably compared to the environmental load generated in the era of the hunting-gathering economy and the pre-modern agricultural era.Furthermore, as a result of increased population and industrial expansion in recent years, the environmental deterioration caused by mass production, mass distribution and consumption, and mass waste has increased.Ignorance and the mistaken use of knowledge have made this threat even more serious. The continuation of biological systems-indeed, the very existence of the human race-is at risk, and we must take immediate measures to improve the environment. It is predicted that mankind will not be able to survive given the current rate of production and materials consumption. The Takeda Foundation believes that environmental improvement is not incompatible with true prosperity for mankind. In other words, we believe that if knowledge is utilized correctly, improvements to the environment can be brought about through the contributions of science and technology, and that sustained economic growth is essential to improving the environment. Indeed, this is the very mission of science and technology-a mission that demands cooperation transcending the boundaries of many scientific and technical fields and related areas of study.
Likening the global environment to a super-complex system, researchers in many countries are working to construct macro-models of atmospheric circulation, water circulation, biological systems, and other related systems, and at the same time are attempting to verify and apply these models. At the same time, some hold the view that the global environment is projected within cells-the basic and microscopic unit of life-and efforts are underway to measure the veracity of this view.
The Takeda Award places a high priority on innovations in measurement capabilities that will offer accurate data with regard to environmental load, as a means for achieving breakthroughs in attaining both environmental improvements and sustained economic development. An important element of the results of applying engineering intellect/knowledge to environmental issues is the ability to clarify goals and issues that must be resolved technologically on the road to sustainable development. In the field of environmental applications, "prosperity, happiness, and richness of life for all mankind" can be achieved by improving the environment through the results of applied engineering intellect and knowledge.