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>> Philosophy April, 2001 Top
Engineering intellect/knowledge plays an essential role in modern economic activities. Innovations based on engineering intellect/knowledge give rise to prosperity, which is reinvested to give rise to new engineering intellect/knowledge. It is this cycle that supports sustained economic growth, and leads to greater well-being in the form of prosperity, happiness, and richness of life for all humanity. Economic gain -prosperity- is born from the difference that exists between "current and future value structures." The development of new technologies and new products, in effect, creates this "difference." These activities anticipate future value structures, and create economic gain by closing the gap between existing and future value structures. Engineering intellect/knowledge is no more and no less than the anticipation of future value structures. The substance of what we call "value added" is "the difference between current and future value structures."

Part of the prosperity brought forth through engineering intellect/knowledge is reinvested into the creation of new engineering intellect and knowledge. Engineering intellect/knowledge created in this way continues in turn to create new differences in value, and these differences continue to create new prosperity. This structure is the essence of the cycle of engineering intellect/knowledge and prosperity that supports sustained economic growth.

An endless active cycle of engineering intellect/knowledge and prosperity, however, is not an inherent part of society's internal economic system, which is directly tied into resources and the environment. Truly eternal interactions of engineering intellect/knowledge and prosperity would only be possible with an unlimited supply of resources and energy, and a unlimited depository for waste heat and waste materials.

In order to create prosperity by closing the difference between future and existing value structures, however, it is not enough simply to "know about future value structures before others do." It is also necessary to "develop future value structures in a form that people can enjoy." For example, one must embody a future value structure in the shape of a product, and develop it in a form that can be purchased in the marketplace.

People that anticipate future value structures before others may or may not be the same people as those who develop future value structures in a form that people can enjoy. There may also be cases in which a different order is followed; namely, cases in which the form that should be developed is known first, and the search for the knowledge required realizing it comes later. In any case, "knowing future value structures" and "developing future value structures in a form that people can enjoy" go hand in hand, and only when they come together is economic gain created. This is the "creation of prosperity through engineering intellect/knowledge," and is the activity that embodies "techno-entrepreneurship." This is form of activity that the Foundation endeavors to award and encourage.

The quality of "techno-entrepreneurship" is not limited to those individuals who have been successful in business. It refers to the essential spirit of inquiry in which an individual attempts to bring concrete form to engineering ideas, personally bearing the risks required to succeed. An entrepreneur is a business leader who founds business ventures with creativity and decisiveness, bears risks independently, and can clearly demonstrate the ability to create new prosperity. Through its awards and support, the Foundation emphasizes the role of techno-entrepreneurial individuals.

There are many cases in which engineering intellect/knowledge results from the cooperation of specialists in a wide range of fields. Techno-entrepreneurship fulfills an important role in the context of these cooperative activities as well. Particularly in recent years, critical and challenging issues in a wide variety of fields have become the starting point for cooperative activities that mobilize all forms of intellect to resolve such issues from the perspective of "value for the people." The Foundation emphasizes efforts to investigate, propagate, and promote such activities, and supports research as a means of creating new engineering intellect/knowledge and providing value to people.
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