The Takeda Award Message from Chairman Awardees Achievement Fact Awards Ceremony Forum 2001


Social/Economic Well-Being
Ken Sakamura
Richard M. Stallmam
Linus Torvalds

Individual/Humanity Well-Being
Michael W. Hunkapiller
J. Craig Venter

World Environmental Well-Being
Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek
Ernst U. von Weizsaecker

Individual/Humanity Well-Being
The development of a large-scale genome sequencing system by establishing "the whole genome shotgun strategy" that utilizes modularized data acquisition system and high-throughput DNA sequencers

Technical Achievement: The foundation of Celera Genomics and the development of "the whole genome shotgun strategy."

J. Craig Venter
J. Craig Venter
B.A. in biochemistry from the University of California, San Diego
Ph.D in physiology and pharmacology from the University of California, San Diego.
1984 Joined the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
1992 Founded the Institute for Genomic Research
1998 Founded Celera Genomics
1998 President of Celera Genomics

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